Back pain comes in many different forms, including lumbago, sciatica, herniated disc, nonspecific low back pain with radiation (to buttock or leg), discopathy (wear and tear of the intervertebral disc), muscle strain and more. Pain can occur during movement or at rest and can be a dull ache or sharp pain. Pain can be localized, or radiate to another area.
Cause of your complaints?
At Energenic, we always look for the cause of your symptoms. We start with sending you a questionnaire, after which we look for clues in your history to understand why the complaints arose. This may be an accident, surgery, a fall or previous injury, for example, but there may also be a link to posture, a one-sided movement pattern, stress or overuse.
Neuromuscular examination
We then start with a neuromuscular examination to assess the mobility and function of the back. We test the muscle function of the various muscles of the low back, the rest of the spine, the pelvic area and the hips. It is important to note that back complaints often come from an area other than the back itself, which is why we also examine these other regions.
Back pain treatment
After the examination you will gain insight into where your complaints are coming from and which structures are involved. We explain what the next treatments will look like and after the treatment you will be given one or more exercises to work on yourself. It is essential for your recovery to do these exercises. Per treatment we chart the progression, regardless of how long the symptoms have existed. Our treatment average is between 5 and 7 treatments.
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