There are many different types of knee problems. Consider Patellofemoral pain syndrome (knee tendon pain), sweaters knee, runners knee, Osgood-Schlatter, knee instability, meniscus dysfunction, muscle strains, hamstring pain, bursitis and more.
Cause of your complaints?
At Energenic, we always look for the cause of your symptoms. Before we begin the first treatment, we ask you to fill out a questionnaire and together we look for possible clues in your medical history. In this way we can find out why your symptoms arose. Often this is due to an accident, surgery, fall or previous injury. There may also be a link between your symptoms and posture, inactivity, stress or an overload.
Neuromuscular examination
Next, we perform a neuromuscular examination. In this, we first give you some simple tasks to test the mobility and balance of your ankles, knees and hips. Then we do a comprehensive examination on the treatment couch, testing the muscle function of the various muscles around your knees, ankles, hips, pelvis and low back. In fact, symptoms of the knee may be linked to other joints, which is why we examine other joints as well.
Knee pain treatment
After the examination, you will have an understanding of where your symptoms are coming from and which structures are all involved in the symptoms. We will explain what the next treatments will look like. After the treatment you will be given one or more exercises to work on your complaints yourself. It is essential for your recovery to do these exercises. Per treatment we test the progression, so you know where you stand in terms of your recovery. At Energenic, the treatment average is between 5 and 7 treatments and that is regardless of how long the complaints have existed.
Wil jij pijnvrij de trap op en af kunnen lopen? Wil je weer pijnvrij in de gym of het sportveld staan? Of wil je gewoon weten wat de echte oorzaak is van je klachten? Maak dan een afspraak!
Wil je meer informatie over knieklachten en weten wat je zelf kan doen om knieklachten te verhelpen, lees dan dit artikel.